My photographic history Part V

Back again with the next part of my photographic history.

I know the last post has been quit some time ago. Since then I have been very busy at work. Christmas is coming soon and everybody is starting to go real crazy.
Just like every year I suppose.

Enough talk about work lets get to the subject.

Last time I talked about the Panasonic GF1 and showed you some sample pictures.
Time went on and I had a phase of being tired of shooting and editing RAW pictures. As you can imagine I wanted to become a jpeg shooter. And which better camera to shot with than Olympuses E-PL2. Well thats what I thought anyway.

What did I do, yeah I sold of my GF1 and got a E-PL2. Great I thought, finally in body stabilization, great color rendering in the jpeg engine and better high ISO performance.
After shooting with the GF1 it took some time to get used to the Oly menu. But I got over that and really did start shooting only jpeg.

Here is one of the first shots with the E-PL2 most of them taken with the 14mm 2.5 Prime lens.
By the way, a great lens for the Olympus.

Both pictures are indeed jpegs ooc.

I also much liked the Dramatic Tone Art Filter on the Olympus.

I was pleased with the colors, the noise up to ISO 800 so I kept on shooting. Unfortunately I am no jpeg shooter. I just love fiddling about with the RAW files in LR3 and seeing what is left in the file itself and what you can all do with a little post processing.

So you can imagine that I started shooting RAW again.

The Olympus E-PL2 was a great little camera. Good picture quality for a µFT sensor, nice colors. But for me it had one big mistake. I kept hitting the dials and buttons and altering some adjustments that I did not want to change.

And at the time there was one real big announcement maid.

The FUJI X100

This name was everywhere. I read nearly every rumor on the web about it and knew that I was going to get one before it had hit the shops.

So keep tuned and wait for the next big post about my next and up until this date final camera.
I bet you can guess which one it is.

Until then make sure you pick the right light for you pictures.


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